Apple usb ethernet adapter windows 8.1 driver download
Description > Apple usb ethernet adapter windows 8.1 driver download
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Description > Apple usb ethernet adapter windows 8.1 driver download
Last updated
Click on link to DOWNLOAD: ※ Apple usb ethernet adapter windows 8.1 driver download - Link
The Software may include portions offered on terms in addition to those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions. If you are lucky enough to have higher bandwidth than that, buy the Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter.
I used for 64-bit Windows 10. I figured Windows would offer the driver automatically, after which I could use the computer in places where only wired networks were available.
How to install drivers for the Apple USB Ethernet adapter on Windows - From Apple Download the update catalog file using the official links: eg.
I figured Windows would offer the driver automatically, after which I could use the computer in places where only wired networks were available. Well, I plugged it in, and no such luck! Windows 10 Enterprise x64 recognized downloqd hardware, but said it applf find a driver for it. Anybody know how to get this device working in Windows? I did a little more hunting online and found to a blog that said they'd found the driver for the chipset in the adapter, and convinced it to work. I followed a variant on their instructions, and it worked for me too. You should see a listed Apple device with a little yellow exclamation mark next to it, saying Windows can't load the driver. I used for 64-bit Windows 10. Note that this is the actual driver download, not a Setup program. You should see a folder containing four files: a.